Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Yet another step in life.

Hi again everyone; time for yet another odd post where I go everywhere at once while still sitting in my computer chair.

I very recently (read: last night) saw Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog... Why in the nine hells did it take me THIS LONG to finally watch it? The damn thing is brilliant. I've always been a fan of seeing the "behind the scenes" lives of typical stereotypes. Plus, that Niel Patrick Harris being taken under the wing of Joss Whedon can mean only good things. Set on the rolodex of such a creative individual can greatly help his career.

This does loop around to a major thing on my mind but that I don't feel that I've shared with all of my friends. I'm interested in a career in the entertainment field; acting to be most specific. I do hope that a very realistic mindset will lead to very good things in my life when pursuing this avenue. I know I more than likely won't get a huge break when I finally get to California (still working on that savings plan) and that I may have to start at the bottom, but being an extra isn't that bad.

The key dilemma with this problem is locational... I'm in St. Charles, Missouri. Nothing too interesting happens here. We flood, that's about it. I'm still going to look for acting experience around town, though. I gotta start somewhere.

Well, I do hope everyone is staying happy and healthy; while I'm letting everyone in on my life I may as well post my twitter url as well at the bottom of this...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A new beginning...

To my old friends and newcomers alike, I welcome you all to this new blog of mine.

For many years of my life I have drifted aimlessly with no purpose or goals in mind, I hope to change that starting with this blog. I will be writing about what makes me the person that I am: the experiences in life, the friends I have, and the countless forms of entertainment in my library - like any other blog you can find on the internet. This one will have an importance to me in that I will also be tracking my personal goals, and therefore, give me a reason to follow through with these goals. I need this right now to push myself, and I do hope to make myself proud by reaching these goals.

Some of these may be relatively basic in comparison to what others view as major life goals but I've fallen a bit behind in life and need to do this at my own pace.

  • Get a full time job that I can enjoy - 40 hours a week.
  • Save up roughly 18-20k over the course of a couple of years. (It IS possible, believe it or not)
  • Make the move I've always wanted to California.
That's it; pretty straightforward. In the past, I never had any motivation. (For those of you who don't know me, I'll explain more later on in this post.) Now, I'm finally seeing that I have more control over my future than I thought I did. Finally shaking off the depression by logically finding the root of it, a very rewarding experience.

For those of you who don't know me, I'll take this time to fill you in on who I am. Those who do know me may even find some new information here as well.

I was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a disease that was caused by a defect in one of my chromosomal pairs resulting in my body missing a chloride ion channel, this gene effects a great deal of the body's systems. Sweat, mucous production, and digestive enzyme production being the hallmarks. My health deteriorated on a rather slow rate until the age of about 15 when it became worse very quickly, repeated episodes of pneumothorax (rupture of the lung wall, resulting in air entering the cavity between the lungs and the ribs) caused my lung function to deteriorate at an alarming rate. It was during this time when I believe I developed the core of a strong depression that has held me within its talons until very recently. These episodes were developing due to no intervention on my part. I would cough in my sleep and wake up with the telltale chest pain. I began believing that, no matter what I did, my end result would always end in disaster due to outside influences that were outside of my control.

Fortunately, when I was 17 I received a lung transplant and have been able to lead a relatively normal life. This depression continued, however. This resulted in my lack of effort in school endeavors which have resulted in being the unlucky recipient of a failing college GPA. This depression became worse as time grew on and it was left unchecked and untreated. It hit its peak most recently, I was seeing myself in an infinitely negative light. After talking it over with a friend of mine online - who did the smartest thing, just letting me vent until I came to the conclusion on my own - I remembered the core of my depression and realized how absolutely illogical my thought process was. This was a mere few days ago.

I am going to be using this blogger as a site for keeping myself in good spirits and to track my progress toward my goals.

Finally, a point that I've been debating. I'm planning on putting a PayPal link on this blog. My medication costs are fairly high and any help in whittling those down every month is great. As of now, I'd be satisfied if I could pull off $500 per month, just to cover the COBRA payments. I get enough visitors who don't mind donating, this could probably be chopped up to a tiny bit per person. I'm not going to rely on it, by any means. I also want to ensure that any money I get through that donation would go toward medication costs, even if I procure insurance in the near future, the copays on medications are still pretty heinous.

Well, I do hope I'm able to entertain, inform, and never bore. Sit back and enjoy the view, everybody.

-Michael "Krall" Schumacher